Saturday, December 27, 2008

Stars, Santa and Nostalgia

When I was young (and carefree and innocent..well I really am innocent even now, though my husband doesn't agree with me on that point) the thing I most remember about Christmas is the time when we all went to attend the midnight mass.

I grew up in Kunnamkulam where the houses in the angadi were all so close that if you sneezed in your house you could be heard in the tenth house from yours. Kunnamkulam is famous for nasranis (and notorious for duplicate goods but as a proud Kunnamkulamkari I probably should not mention that) which meant that all the houses would have at least a star as a decoration. Those were the days before the Chinese goods took over our markets and our aesthetic sense, so if you had a mala bulb in your house, you were considered rich. Anyway rich people decorated with mala bulbs and the not so rich contented with stars, but it was all so beautiful to see them all together. I can still feel the gentle night breeze on my face when we walked the one kilometer to the church with all the fellow church goers and watched all the decorations in amazement. That is one of the most cherished memories of my childhood.

I remembered those times when we recently went out to watch the Christmas decorations.. In the land of plenty there is always plenty to see and enjoy even in supposedly hard times like these.. There were all kinds of Christmas trees, lighted trees, inflated forms of snow man, Santa Claus, rain deer and even the train in which Santa brings all those toys but unfortunately there were no stars. I do not know why there are no stars here, perhaps the tree is so important here that they do not care about the stars, but I really really miss them..

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