Sunday, May 17, 2009

Birthday party

No not my daughter's... I attended a friend's daughter's first birthday party yesterday.. The party was great. The one year old birhday girl was attired in a golden pattu pavada and she looked so cute..

I have met the birthday girl's parents Rajesh and Resmy only a couple of times before but they seem like a sweet pair. They are close friends of joshy's friend Pramod and Joshy has also been to Rajesh's house before... Anyway they seem like a nice couple and I was happy to be invited for the party..

By the way I am four months pregnant now and I look like I'm going on 8 months.. I am not exaggerating.. my tummy is so huge I sometimes feel the discomfort that I used to feel when I was full term before.. people keep asking me whether I'm carrying twins and I promptly answer back that as far as I know, there is only one and I am very happy about it, thank you very much..

Anyways back to the party.. I wore my new red maternity top and black skirt knowing that I would look like a beached whale in a sari.. and I really didn't think that it would matter much since I expected it to be a small party..

Surprise,surprise,surprise!!! There were more than a hundred people present and judging by their appearance, they seemed to be the cream of St.Louis Mallus.. Did I mention that Resmy is the daughter of the famous Malayalam poet Prof.Madhusudhanan Nair, yeah the poet who is famous for 'pandhrandu makkale pettoramme'.. The ladies were all draped in elegant saries. Yeah there were a couple of churidars but no skirties.. I felt so embarassed and out of place and I stood out so much in my red top, I wished the party was over before it started!!!

Anywayz as I was saying, the party was great.. food was good and the cake was so delicious.. hats off to the party and to the birthday girl!!!

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